The breed

1.History of the breed

Bichon Frise first appeared in the XIV century, the result of interbreeding between the Barbet Water Spaniel and Bichon Poodle.Acest was traded by Spanish sailors and became a favorite of the French royal court in the sixteenth century. Currently Bichon Frise stands as an excellent companion dog and last but not least a great dog circ.In interwar period, the French and Belgians have turned their attention to the Bichon Tenerife.The first official breed standard was adopted on March 15, 1933 and was written by Mrs. Bouctovagniez, president Toy French Club, in collaboration with the Association of Friends Race Belgiene.Desi seems hilarious, establish the breed name has long been a problem that has caused large disputes. Was submitted to the FCI standard to obtain international recognition but have not messed breeders agree on the name of Leemans oficiale. Mrs. Nizet, the president of the Committee of Standards in the FCI, she asked exasperated colleagues:"For God's sake, stop saying once looked like, what are the main features." They said that it is a small dog with fluffy fur and fluffy (Poil Frise). Then Leemans lady said: "Well, really be called race - fluffy furry little dog." And so he stayed name: Bichon a poil frise.

2.These are two standard main standards and version of them being used in the world when judging Bichon Frise.
The American Kennel Club standard- (
The FCI standard -(
The UK Kennel Club Standard ( KUSA Standard) - ( )

(height at withers)
The small size are successful.
25cm -30cm
9½ to 11½ inches
Ideal height 23-28 cms (9-11 ins) at withers.
Scissor Bite
Scissor Bite
Complete Scissor
 Fine, silky, very loose corkscrew curls looking like the coat (fur) of the Mongolian goat, neither flat nor corded and 7 to 10 cm long.
The undercoat is soft and dense, the outercoat of a coarser and curlier texture.The combination of the two gives a soft but substantial feel to the touch which is similar to plush or velv
et and when patted springs back.
Fine, silky with soft corkscrew curls. Neither flat nor corded, and measuring 7-10 cms (3-4 ins) in length. 
In harmony with the body. Rather flat to the touch although the furnishings makes it appear round.  The skull longer than the muzzle.
The stop is slightly accentuated
Ratio of muzzle length to skull length 3 : 5. On a head of the correct width and length, lines drawn between the outer corners of the eyes and nose will create a near equilateral triangle.
Round, dark brown

Eyes are round, black or dark brown
Dark, round with black eye rims, surrounded by dark haloes, consisting of well pigmented skin..

3.Head: In harmony with body.

Skull : Rather flat to the touch although the furnishings makes it appear round.  The skull longer than the muzzle.

Stop : Not much marked.
Nose : The nose is rounded, black, finely grained and glossy.
Muzzle : The muzzle must not be thick nor heavy, without however being snipey.  The furrow between the superciliary arches slightly visible.
Lips : The lips are fine, rather lean, less however than in the Schipperke, falling only enough so as to cover the lower lip, but never heavy nor pendulous; they are normally black up to the corner of the lips; the lower lip must not be heavy nor visible, nor slack and does not allow the mucous membranes to be seen when the mouth is closed.
Ears : Drooping, well furnished with finely curled long hairs, carried rather forward when the dog is attentive, but in such a way that the front edge touches the skull. 

Neck : Reach of neck is fairly long, carried high and proudly.  Round and fine near the skull, broadening gradually to merge smoothly into the shoulders.
Tail : The tail is set a little more below the back line than in the Poodle.  Normally the tail is carried raised and gracefully curved in line with the spine, without being rolled up; it is not docked and must not be in contact with the back; however the tail furnishings may fall onto the back.
Skin : The pigmentation beneath the white coat is preferably dark; the genitals are then pigmented either black, bluish or beige.

4.Hair : Fine, silky, very loose corkscrew curls looking like the coat (fur) of the Mongolian goat, neither flat nor corded and 7 to 10 cm long.

Grooming : The dog may be shown with the feet and muzzle slightly tidied up.

Colour : Pure white.

Temperament: Gentle mannered, sensitive, playful and affectionate. A cheerful attitude is the hallmark of the breed and one should settle for nothing less.

5.Grooming Scheme